Concerning the Soul
Mt.10, “He that finds his soul shall lose it, and he that loses it for my sake, he shall find it."
2 Cor.4, “and though the outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.”
Sirach 46, “child, in meekness glorify your soul, and see if there be any wickedness in it, and do not give yourself to it. For all things are not profitable to all, and not every soul is pleasing to all.”
Proverbs 11, “a soul is blessed is completely simple (guileless).
Basil, “The treasury of the soul, is interior to the body. The good has need of this, to be led, which is the good of the soul."
Gregory the Theologian, “ What do you want to become? I ask my soul. What is great to you? Or what is meager for mortal men? Eagerly seek only what is bright, and I will give it to you.
Sacrifice the soul to God, better yet, by means of prayer.
Chrysostom, “Everything God has given in our nature is two fold, two eyes, two ears, two hands, two feet; which ever of them one harms, we are consoled that we have use of the other. But He has given one soul to us, should we lose this, how shall we flourish?"
Soul is a substance, something bodiless and immortal.
Soul is a begotten substance, a substance living, noetic.
Philistion, “The soul of the wise is joined to God. The soul does not perish with death, but an evil life does.”
Epictetus, “The soul needs to be healed more than the body, to die is better than to live poorly.”
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