Adam was created for incorruption, aphtharsia. Meaning he shared in the unchanging life of God. What does that incorruption ultimately consist of?
“God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1,5). This light is His love, for the same evangelist said “God is love”.
So if someone loves is he a Christian and abiding in Him?
I mean this is what the world pretends. Christianity is just a moralistic deism. God is love, so we tolerate any preference of the person receiving our affection.
No. It goes deeper. The love here, the light here, which is referred to in the scriptures is the light of His glory. And grace. It is not my own love, merely what I receive and reflect back. This is how we are ultimately images of God. We receive the light and we reflect the light. To phrase it like the Lord, we “let our light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5,16.
This is what Paul means when he said, “for the love of God is shed abroad, ekxeitai, poured forth, in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us”. Romans 5,5.
We are created for incorruption, the unchangeable glory of God, the light of His grace. This is the glory we rightly see depicted on all icons.
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